A total of 12 students from the Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University together with 73 other students from various faculties and study programs at Hasanuddin University conducted the Thematic Community Service Program (KKNT) on Small and Micro Entrepreneurship in Bantaeng Regency in 2022. Implementation of the Small and Micro Enterprises KKNT Entrepreneurship in Bantaeng Regency was accompanied by a supervisor, Ir. Rusli M. Rukka, S.P., M.Si. (Faculty of Agriculture) and Jamaluddin Fitrah Alam, S.Pi., M.Si., Ph.D. (Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Sciences) which will take place from the end of June to the end of August 2022. There are 12 micro and small businesses that are the location of activities which spread across seven sub-districts in Bantaeng Regency.
Advisory Lecturer, Ir. Rusli M. Rukka, S.P., M.Si. who is also a lecturer in the Agribusiness Study Program stated that the thematic idea of KKN was based on the consideration that Bantaeng Regency since 2019 has implemented a business capital assistance distribution program for small village and RW (Neighborhood Association)-based businesses and is the flagship program of the Bantaeng Regent for the 2018-2023 period. This program aims to create employment opportunities and reduce poverty through the creation and development of entrepreneurship in each village/RW, provide capital assistance to support business activities as a reward for stimulant business actors, and provide maximum integrated encouragement for the development of a productive and sustainable local economy that give value added in each village and RW with the support and participation of multi-stakeholders.
Furthermore, Rusli M. Rukka stated that as an effort to provide support and contribution to this program, Hasanuddin University as one of the stakeholders through the Thematic Community Service Program can contribute, especially in carrying out its role as a community through various innovations and benefits of science and technology that can be applied by small business beneficiaries of the program. It is also hoped that through the implementation of this thematic KKN it will contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In fact, according to Rusli, the Agribusiness Study Program with an emphasis on experiential-oriented learning processes, provides opportunities for students of this study program to be able to continue their activities for several further courses and even research activities as a student’s final project. Thus, the series of student learning activities is in line with the Independent Learning Program-Independent Campus (MBKM) which has been launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.
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