On Friday, (26/8), the Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development (LPMPP) carried out the Internal Quality Audit agenda for the Agribusiness Study Program at the Prof. Meeting Room. Arifin Sallatang 3rd Floor, Hasanuddin University.
One of the mechanisms or cycles of PPEPP (Determination, Implementation, Evaluation, Control, and Improvement) is an evaluation activity, one of which includes Internal Quality Audit activities. Internal Quality Audits are carried out by Unhas periodically (per year) and online system for the benefit of the audited unit in order to get recommendations on activities or management actions from Tridharma that still need improvement or improvement to ensure accountability for the implementation of Tridharma. Therefore, AMI activities are a quality assurance cycle whose implementation is a key part of the PPEPP cycle (Audit Mutu Internal – LPMPP OFFICIAL (unhas.ac.id)).
Also present were two auditors, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Abdul Haris, M.Si. and Prof. Dr. Ir. Triyatni Martosenjoyo, M.Sc. This activity was also attended by the Chairperson and Secretariat of the Department of Agricultural Socio-Economic Affairs along with several educators. The internal audit activities went smoothly and the auditors provided several inputs for the completeness of the Agribusiness Study Program documents. From the meeting, the Agribusiness Study Program will make improvements and prepare supporting documents in improving the performance of the Tridharma of higher education. The preparation was carried out to maximize the performance of educators and services to students and alumni users as well as to face audits in the next period.
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