Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University has held a public lecture on agribusiness policy innovation for food stabilization on Thursday (21/09/2023) at LT 6 Faperta Unhas. This event was also attended by the Dean and Deputy Dean for Partnership, Research and Innovation of Faperta Unhas, representatives of the Indonesian Agribusiness Association (AAI), Agricultural Economics Association (PERHEPI), Indonesian Agricultural Bachelor Association (PISPI), lecturers and undergraduate and graduate students of Agribusiness Unhas. This public lecture was delivered directly by the former Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2009-2011 as well as Professor of Agribusiness IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bayu Krisnamurthi, M.S..
The activity began with remarks by the Dean of Faperta Unhas, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salengke, M.Sc then continued with the presentation of public lecture material and question and answer sessions by public lecture participants. In his lecture, Prof. Bayu Krisnamurthi conveyed the importance of food for humans. “Food is a matter of our sustainability, our sustainability as humans”.
Furthermore, Bayu Krisnamurthi explained that policy innovation for food stabilization is a continuous process that needs to answer challenges and solve problems from time to time by anticipating future conditions and needs. Food and agricultural growth is needed to anticipate increased demand, be sustainable and have resilience to changing conditions and situations such as climate change, resource constraints, pandemics, geopolitics, supply chain disruptions and policy changes.
The event was closed with a challenge given by Prof. Bayu Krisnamurthi to Agribusiness Unhas students to make writing about “Innovative policy proposals” which will be competed in the framework of World Food Day in collaboration between the Agribusiness Unhas Study Program, AAI and Bulog. This competition is expected to foster awareness and encourage students to contribute to agribusiness policy innovation as an integral part of food stabilization which concerns the sustainability of humanity in the future.
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