Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University carried out community service activities on October 28, 2023 which took place at SD Inpres Kera-Kera, Makassar City. This activity was attended by lecturers and educational staff of the Unhas Agribusiness Study Program as well as the Principal, teachers and students of SD Inpres Kera-Kera. This community service carries the topic of Developing an Entrepreneurial spirit through the utilization of School Resources to Support SD Inpres Kera-Kera as an Adiwiyata Model school.
This event was opened with remarks from the Head of the Hasanuddin University Agribusiness Study Program, Prof. Dr. A. Nixia Tenriawaru, S.P, M.Si. In her speech, Prof. Nixia said “It has become an obligation for us Agribusiness Study Program, Department of Agricultural Social Economics Unhas to carry out community service. Alhamdulillah, we chose this location, one of the considerations is the location of the school which is quite close so it is easy for us to visit regularly”
The event continued with a presentation from one of the Unhas Agribusiness lecturers, Dr. Letty Fudjaja, S.P., M.Si., a lecturer who teaches Entrepreneurship Courses in various Study Programs at the Faculty of Agriculture Unhas conveyed the importance of new ideas in doing business. “In starting a business we need ideas and new things that are different. We must have uniqueness, have superior value. Like hydroponics, everyone can make hydroponics but what difference can we give. For example, it can be in the form of service innovation where we make it easier for customers to get our products. The most important thing is how the product is able to answer the problems of our customers.”
Head of Agribusiness Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University Prof. Dr. Ir. Rahim Darma, M.S added in his presentation about the benefits of business for students and school teachers. “We can make business as an educational tool for children. Even if the teachers are interested, it can be a joint business so that each of them has experience and knowledge,” explained Prof. Rahim in another material he presented in this activity about vertical farming based on school / household resources.
Principal of SD Inpres Kera-kera, Mrs. Zarkiyah Thahir thanked the Agribusiness Study Program, Hasanuddin University for coming to share knowledge and establish cooperation with SD Inpres Kera-Kera. “We are very happy with this program. We consider Unhas as a mentoring institution that is able to guide us to be better and more innovative”.
Kegiatan ditutup dengan tantangan yang diberikan Prof. Bayu Krisnamurthi kepada mahasiswa Agribisnis Unhas untuk membuat tulisan tentang “Usulan kebijakan Inovatif” yang akan diperlombakan dalam rangka hari pangan sedunia pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2023 kerjasama antara Prodi Agribisnis Unhas, AAI dan Bulog. Perlombaan ini diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran serta mendorong mahasiswa untuk berkontribusi dalam inovasi kebijakan agribisnis sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari stabilisasi pangan yang menyangkut keberlanjutan umat manusia di masa yang akan datang.
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