In order to adjust to the new format of final project writing issued by Hasanuddin University, the Agribusiness Study Program held a socialization of the new format of student final assignments for the Agribusiness Study Program.
This socialization was presented by Ayu Anisa Amir, S.P., M.Si, a lecturer in the Undergraduate Agribusiness Study Program of Hasanuddin University, who explained in detail about the new format of student final project writing. The purpose of this format change is to improve the quality of writing and student research standards, so that the final project results not only meet academic requirements but also have a real contribution.
Students who attended received step-by-step guidance on how to compile the final project in accordance with the new format that has been determined. In addition, students are also emphasized to always adhere to the rules and ethics in research which is very important to produce scientific work that can be accounted for and has high value.
Through this socialization, the Undergraduate Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University hopes to encourage students to complete their final assignments better and professionally so that they can produce quality final assignments and be able to compete at the national and international levels.
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