Agribusiness Study Program
The competency-based curriculum of the Department of Agricultural Social Economics / Agribusiness Study Program is compiled and formulated based on the needs of the labor market developments and future challenges, KKNI in the field of higher education and guidelines for preparing a competency-based curriculum. This curriculum is expected to be implemented in time and be able to provide tangible results in the form of the quality of graduates as expected and can achieve the vision and mission of the Bachelor of Agribusiness Department of Agricultural Social Economics, Hasanuddin University.
Graduates who run businesses as production input providers, production and marketing of agricultural products as well as processing and marketing of agricultural products.
Able to develop business plans as entrepreneurs based on creative and innovative ideas by utilizing agricultural resources and information technology.
Graduates who analyze the socio-cultural problems of the community that occur to form efficient resource use strategies by involving the community and various stakeholders to face the challenges of the development of the agricultural world.
Able to practice Pancasila in the life of the state and society as a result of internalization and actualization of values and norms reflected in spiritual and social life.
Able to systematically master concepts, theories, methods, and/or philosophies in the field of agribusiness obtained through reasoning in the learning process, student work experience, research and/or community service.
Able to adapt, communicate, and build networks and collaborate for the advancement of agribusiness.
Able to solve problems as a decision maker in the field of agribusiness and agribusiness management precisely and accurately based on data and information.
Able to develop business plans as entrepreneurs based on creative and innovative ideas by utilizing agricultural resources and information technology.
Able to analyze business feasibility in agribusiness systems professionally by utilizing agricultural resources and information technology.
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