+62411-586014 Maps Language English Indonesia HOME PROFIL Vission, Mission, Goals, Objectives and Achievment Strategies History of Program Study Organization Structure STUDY PROGRAM Academic Staff Supporting Staff Description Of Program Study Graduate Profile Curicculum Expected Learning Outcomes AgbSP ACADEMIC FACILITY Agribisnis Infrastructure E-Library X AGRIBUSINESS STUDY PROGRAM INTRODUCING CAMPUS LIFE FOR NEW STUDENTS BATCH 2022 On Friday (19/8), the Agribusiness Study Program held the PKKMB (Introduction to Campus Life for New Students) 2022 Agribusiness Study Program level which was located in the Prof. Hardjoeno Hall Lt. 2 Postgraduate Hasanuddin University. PKKMB is carried out in order to introduce campus life to new students so that they are ready to take part in the inaugural lecture on Monday (22/8). A total of 188 new students enthusiastically participated in the activities which were held from 8.00 to 17.00 Central Indonesian Time. Also present were educators and administrators of the student association majors to make this activity success. Dr. A. Nixia Tenriawaru, S.P., M.Si., as the head of the study program became the first speaker by delivering “Introduction to the Agribusiness Study Program” which was then continued by the secretary of the department, Ir. Rusli M. Rukka, S.P., M.Si., with the material “Introduction to Academic Activities”. From the IKA Sosek side, Ir. H. Hatta Tajang, M.M., together with the chairman of MISEKTA for the 2021/2022 period, Tri Wirandhi Anugrah, were the speakers who introduced “Student Organizations and IKA Sosek” to new students. Each head of the laboratory, Prof. Dr. Ir. Didi Rukmana, M.S. from the Agricultural Development Laboratory and Prof. Dr. Ir. Rahim Darma, M.S. from the Agribusiness Laboratory also introduced their laboratory activities. The series of PKKMB at the study program level was closed with the agenda of “Filling in Study Plan Cards” which was guided by Mr. M. Rusli as the Head of Administration of the Agribusiness Study Program. Related Link +62411-586014 Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10. Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea Makassar 90245 Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia Related Link Neosia Unhas Repository Jurnal Unhas Library Unhas

Unhas Become Operator of International Conference and National Seminar of Food Security and National Muslims of Indonesian Agribusiness Association

Unhas Become Operator of International Conference and National Seminar of Food Security and National Muslims of Indonesian Agribusiness Association The Agribusiness Study Program of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, is believed to hold several national and international scientific activities at The Rinra Hotel Makassar, 21 – 23 October 2019. The activity was the International Conference on Political Ecology of Food Security, which held on October 21, 2019, by presenting the keynote speaker Prof. Yoshio Kawamura (Ryokoku University, Japan), Dr. Arief Satria, S.P., M.Sc. (IPB University), Dr. Peter Mc. Mahon (The University of Sydney, Australia), Prof. Dr. Mohd. Nizam AB. Rahman (The National University of Malaysia) and Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Saleh S. Ali, M.Sc. (Hasanuddin University). On October 22, 2019, a National Seminar held with the theme of Agribusiness Development in Realizing Food Security in the Industrial Age 4.0 by presenting the speaker of the Minister of Agriculture, Ir Sunarso, M.Si (Chairperson of BPP PISPI), Dr. Ir. Suharno, M.A.Dev. (Chair of AAI)Prof. Dr. Ir. Hermanto Siregar, M.Ec. (Professor of IPB University)Dr. Ir. Bayu Krisnamurthi, M.Sc. (Supervisor of AAI) and Prof. Dr. Ir. Rahim Darma, M.S. (Professor of Hasanuddin University). This national seminar activity held in conjunction with the inauguration of the South Sulawesi Indonesian Agricultural Association Board of Management. Both scientific activities with the theme of food security are a series of commemorations of the 50th Anniversary of the Indonesian Agricultural Economic Association (PERHEPI), the 9th Anniversary of the Indonesian Agricultural Association (PISPI) and the holding of the Indonesian Association of Agribusiness Associations (AAI). Furthermore, on October 23, 2019, the Indonesian Agribusiness Association (AAI) National Deliberation was held, followed by representatives of AAI members consisting of academics, government, and agribusiness entrepreneurs from all over Indonesia. Chairman of the organizing committee, Dr. Muh. Hatta Jamil, S.P., M.Sc. who is also the Deputy Dean I of the Unhas Faculty of Agriculture and Chairperson of the South Sulawesi PISPI BPW hopes that with this activity, Unhas as the largest tertiary institution in Eastern Indonesia can play a role in contributing ideas and concrete steps towards food security and agribusiness development in Indonesia.

Entrepreneurship Product Exhibition by: Students of Agribusiness Study Programs and Food Science Technology Study Program

+62411-586014 Maps Language English Indonesia HOME PROFIL Vission, Mission, Goals, Objectives and Achievment Strategies History of Program Study Organization Structure STUDY PROGRAM Academic Staff Supporting Staff Description Of Program Study Graduate Profile Curicculum Expected Learning Outcomes AgbSP ACADEMIC FACILITY Agribisnis Infrastructure E-Library X Entrepreneurship Product Exhibition by: Students of Agribusiness Study Programs and Food Science Technology Study Program Total of 172 students of the Faculty of Agriculture of Hasanuddin University which divided in 53 groups, were presenting products as the results of their business designs at the Post Faculty Dean Building on Monday (December 9, 2019). Rusli Mohammad Rukka, lecturer in Entrepreneurship said that the exhibition was attended by 101 Agribusiness Study Program students and 71 Food Technology Study Program students. The design product exhibition activity is one of the methods that been offered in learning Entrepreneurship courses at the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University. Rusli further stated that students are not only required to draw up a business plan related to their business ideas, but are also able to implements them in the form of physical products and even in the form of business units. Students are challenged to be able to implement business ideas contained in the business plan in Entrepreneurship 2 and develop their business and become an experimental object when taking APPAS courses, and so on able to write down their business experience in their thesis. +62411-586014 Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10. Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea Makassar 90245 Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia Related Link Neosia Unhas Repository Jurnal Unhas Library Unhas