The curriculum of AgbSP was developed aligned with the achievement of ELOs and was clustered into 3 main curriculum classifications. Formulation of ELOs was arranged based on some approaches that graduates required to perform particularly in (1) ability in the field of work, (2) mastering knowledge, and (3) managerial ability, which were rooted from the four domains (attitude, knowledge, general skill, and specific skill). The ELOs of AgbSP are consisted of Generic and Specific Aspects (Basic and Advanced) and therefore, the curriculum is classified into 3 main parts; 1) Basic level; 2) Intermediate level; and 3) Specialization level
1) Basic level
It is consisted of mandatory courses (national, university, faculty) and basic knowledge of agribusiness which are provided in semester 1 and 2 with the total credits of 47 (18 courses). This level is intended for the first year student of AgbSP coming from various high schools which may have differences in basic knowledge and understandings. The courses also lay foundation for providing attitude, solid knowledge and principles, and basic skills required for understanding and applying the concept of agribusiness system and management. For example, the students in the first year have learned on creative thinking and this had led them to have a basic knowledge and understanding on how to creatively design a product as a basis for their future courses.
2) Intermediate level
It covers compulsory courses for Semester 3-4 with the total credits of 48 and consisted of 16 courses. The students will major more comprehensive aspects of agribusiness resources, system, and management in this level which are designed to achieve ELOs.
3) Specialization level
It comprises of compulsory (12 credits), elective courses (minimum 15 credits of elective), community service – Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN, 4 credits), 2 credits for co-curricular activities, 1 credit for seminar, and 6 credits for final thesis (consisted of thesis and final exam). which is available in Semester 5-8. At specialization level, the students are directed to master specific skills with more concrete experiential learning based methods for example: attending working field trip (Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship courses) and creating a business plan (APPAS courses). In the third year, the students could start selecting elective courses at the beginning of Semester 5. Meanwhile, final project can be planned when the total credits gained is minimum 110 credits. One of the uniqueness of this study program in relation with the final project, the students of AgbSP could select two methods for the research: experiential and APPAS approaches. The experiential approach means that in constructing their final projects, the students used their own business experiences to complete their research projects. While APPAS, the students start their project based on other experiences in developing business and critize from their point of views. Both options can be used by students to acquire managerial skill. This is the reason why most of the graduates of AgbSP become an entrepreneur even before they finished their study.
Although curriculum workshop is being held every five years, but in general, improvement of every course specifications (teaching and learning materials as well as methods and assessment) is carried out at the end of the each semester. However, the last improvement and alignment of the curriculum were carried out in 2017. In the workshop, it was decided there are some courses that need no changes, some courses need to be erased, and some courses need to be added or improved. The reasons of the development/changes of the courses have been aligned with (1) development of science and technology/Art, (2) changing in Learning Paradigm based on Student Center Learning/SCL paradigm, (3) adjustment to nomenclature agribusiness that should be focused on achievement LOs and graduate, (4) consideration as the result of tracer study (alumni and alumni users) and (5) inputs from the government, private, and the civil. In the last curriculum workshop of AgbSP, it was agreed about 67 study courses, while one of them were integrated with other courses to support fully ELOs achievement, as shown on the curriculum structure.
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