KOLABORASI PROGRAM STUDI AGRIBISNIS UNHAS DENGAN DTPHPKP KAB. TAKALAR DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN PETANI PADI Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas) kembali menunjukkan komitmennya dalam mendukung pemberdayaan petani melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang bertempat di Bendungan IP3A Pamukkulu, Kabupaten Takalar. Kegiatan yang berlangsung pada tanggal 2 Juni 2024 ini mengusung tema “Pemberdayaan dan Penguatan Kapasitas Petani Padi Menuju Pertanian Berkelanjutan” dan menyasar para petani padi di Kab. Takalar. Kegiatan ini mengangkat enam topik utama yakni aksesibilitas input pertanian, kelembagaan petani, pemasaran pertania, diversifikasi usaha berbasis nilai tambah, aksesibilitas keuangan dan praktik pertanian berkelanjutan. Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu bentuk implementasi kerja sama antara Prodi Agribisnis Unhas di bawah naungan Fakultas Pertanian dengan Dinas Tanaman Pangan, Hortikultura, Perkebunan, dan Ketahanan Pangan Kabupaten Takalar. Dalam sambutannya, Kepala Dinas Tanaman Pangan, Hortikultura, Perkebunan, dan Ketahanan Pangan Kabupaten Takalar menyampaikan apresiasi dan dukungannya terhadap program-program pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh perguruan tinggi. Kepala DTPHPKP Kab. Taklar. Drs. Parawangsa sangat mendukung kegiatan tersebut karena dapat meningkatkan kapasitas petani dan berharap Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin dapat terus menjalin kerja sama dan memberikan pembinaan kepada petani terutama  petani di seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Takalar Sebagai salah satu program studi dengan fokus pada pemberdayaan masyarakat, Prodi Agribisnis Unhas berkomitmen untuk terus berkontribusi dalam pembangunan sektor pertanian di Sulawesi Selatan. Kegiatan ini juga menjadi bukti nyata implementasi Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, khususnya dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Melalui kegiatan ini, diharapkan petani padi di Kabupaten Takalar, khususnya di Pamukkulu, dapat semakin mandiri dan mampu mengoptimalkan potensi lokal untuk mendukung keberlanjutan pertanian di masa depan. Fakultas Pertanian Unhas pun berencana untuk terus mengembangkan program serupa di berbagai wilayah dengan menjalin kolaborasi yang lebih luas dengan pemerintah daerah dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Akses Cepat UNHAS OFFICIAL NEOSIA UNHAS SIKOLA UNHAS PERPUSTAKAAN UNHAS JURNAL SOSIAL MEDIA Program Studi Agribisnis Gedung Fakultas Pertanian, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245 Lokasi


EXPAND STUDENTS’ MULTICULTURAL INSIGHTS, UNHAS BACHELOR OF AGRIBUSINESS PROGRAM PRESENTS UPM LECTURERS IN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE LECTURES AND AGRIBUSINESS MARKET DYNAMICS Students from the Bachelor of Agribusiness Study Program, Hasanuddin University had the opportunity to attend a guest lecture on sustainable agriculture and agribusiness market dynamics presented by Assoc. Prof. Nitty Hirawaty from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). This lecture activity took place on Thursday (02/05) virtually through the Zoom platform. In this guest lecture, Prof. Nitty Hirawaty explained the important elements in sustainable agriculture, namely environmental, social, resource efficiency and waste reduction, economic sustainability, innovative agricultural practices, and adaptability to climate change. According to her, sustainable agriculture does not only focus on food production but also considers environmental impacts and social welfare. She also shared insights to students on how the demand for organic products in Malaysia is supported by government policy through the National Agricultural Policy. This policy aims to increase the area planted to organic farming practices, create economic benefits, as well as maintain the stability of the certification system to ensure the quality of products that remain according to standards. With this policy, Malaysia strives to encourage the growth of a sustainable and competitive organic sector. In the context of agribusiness, Prof. Nitty discussed various factors that affect production, including climate, technology, regulation, people’s habits, purchasing power, and population growth. In the agribusiness market dynamics lecture, Prof. Nitty explained that market dynamics occur when trends in consumer preferences change, for example with the increasing demand for organic products. Market dynamics in agribusiness are also related to agronomic challenges, global markets, and technological advances that continue to develop. The Bachelor of Agribusiness Study Program hopes that this lecture can provide deep insights for students about the complexities and challenges faced in sustainable agriculture and agribusiness. This guest lecture is also expected to accommodate students in expanding multicultural insights by learning directly from foreign lecturers who share perspectives, culture and agricultural conditions in their home countries and how Malaysian agriculture is developing including how they face challenges in today’s agricultural world Akses Cepat UNHAS OFFICIAL NEOSIA UNHAS SIKOLA UNHAS PERPUSTAKAAN UNHAS JURNAL SOSIAL MEDIA Program Studi Agribisnis Gedung Fakultas Pertanian, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245 Lokasi


COMMUNITY SERVICE UNHAS AGRIBUSINESS STUDY PROGRAM SEEKS TO INCREASE FARMER EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE FORMATION OF P4S Hasanuddin University Agribusiness Study Program held a community service activity with the topic of empowering farmers through the establishment of P4S (Center for Agricultural and Rural Self-Help Training) institutions. The event took place in Pangkep Regency on Saturday, (18/05), and was attended by local farmers and lecturers from the Unhas Agribusiness Study Program. In the event, Dr. Ir. Idris Summase, M.Si, lecturer of the Unhas Agribusiness S1 Study Program, became the main speaker. He conveyed the importance of the formation of P4S institutions in supporting the empowerment of farmers. “P4S functions as a training and empowerment center for farmers. So it not only increases the knowledge and skills of farmers, but also strengthens the agricultural community of the region,” he said. In addition to providing insight into the benefits and challenges of P4S, Dr. Ir. Idris Summase, M.Si also discussed with the farmers the concrete steps that can be taken to establish and develop P4S in Pangkep Regency. The farmers present also had the opportunity to convey their aspirations and questions ranging from the application of P4S to its impact on increasing the marketing potential of agricultural products. With this community service activity, the Agribusiness Study Program, Hasanuddin University hopes to have a real positive impact on the farming community in Pangkep Regency. This activity is also part of the efforts of the Unhas Agribusiness Study Program to contribute to the advancement of the agricultural sector in Indonesia both at the local and national levels. Akses Cepat UNHAS OFFICIAL NEOSIA UNHAS SIKOLA UNHAS PERPUSTAKAAN UNHAS JURNAL SOSIAL MEDIA Program Studi Agribisnis Gedung Fakultas Pertanian, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245 Lokasi


INDONESIAN MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE GIVES LEADERSHIP LECTURE TO STUDENTS OF AGRIBUSINESS STUDY PROGRAM, HASANUDDIN UNIVERSITY Students of the Undergraduate Agribusiness Study Program, Hasanuddin University had the valuable opportunity to attend a leadership lecture presented by the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Ir. Andi Amran Sulaiman, M.P. which was held on Wednesday (24/04) virtually through the Zoom platform. In his lecture, the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Andi Amran Sulaiman, discussed various important skills needed to be an effective leader. He explained that leadership involves the ability to direct, inspire, and coordinate team members in order to achieve common goals. According to him, a good leader must be able to provide clear direction, motivate his team, and ensure that all team members work harmoniously towards the same goal. He also outlined the principles of leading teams effectively, which can be applied in a variety of contexts. These principles include flexibility and adaptability, recognition and appreciation of team members, and continuous evaluation and learning. Flexibility and adaptability, he said, enable a leader to deal well with change, while recognition and rewards enhance team motivation and performance. As a minister leading the agriculture sector, he also elaborated on key aspects of team leadership, including cultivating leaders within the team and the principles of building a solid team. The Minister of Agriculture emphasized the importance of fostering and developing leadership capabilities among team members, as by doing so, the organization as a whole will grow and develop. A good leader not only focuses on achieving goals, but also on developing his team members. This leadership lecture not only provides theoretical knowledge but also practical applications that can be directly applied by students. The Agribusiness Study Program through Prof. Muh. Hatta Jamil as the lecturer in charge of the course hopes that through this lecture, students can prepare themselves to become future leaders who are tough and competent and ready to face various challenges in the professional world. Akses Cepat UNHAS OFFICIAL NEOSIA UNHAS SIKOLA UNHAS PERPUSTAKAAN UNHAS JURNAL SOSIAL MEDIA Program Studi Agribisnis Gedung Fakultas Pertanian, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245 Lokasi


IMPROVE EDUCATION QUALITY, UNHAS AGRIBUSINESS STUDY PROGRAM COLLABORATES WITH PROFESSOR FROM UNIVERSITY OF COLOMBO ON BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION LECTURE Hasanuddin University Agribusiness Study Program held a virtual guest lecture on business model innovation presented by Prof. B. Nishantha from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. As a lecturer in entrepreneurship and business management, Prof. Nishantha gave students new insights into the importance of business models in the creation, delivery and capture of business value. The lecture was held on March 7 and 14, 2024. In his lecture, Prof. Nishantha emphasized that an effective business model is critical for business success. She explained that a business can have multiple models based on the market they serve and the importance of adapting business models to social and environmental changes. The ability to adapt business models to social and environmental changes is key to maintaining business relevance and sustainability. Prof. Nishantha also discussed the Business Model Canvas, a tool that helps describe, design and manage business models. He outlined the nine dimensions of the Business Model Canvas, with special emphasis on the second dimension, the value proposition. According to him, the value proposition is the core of the business model. In the context of agricultural products, it is important to identify customer pain points and offer relevant solutions through new products. In addition to explaining the theory in business modeling, Prof. Nishantha also introduced the Grameen Bank business concept to the students, which is a non-profit microfinance initiative started in Bangladesh by Professor Muhammad Yunus. Grameen Bank aims to provide financial access to the underprivileged through innovative microfinance services. Initiatives like Grameen Bank show how a good business model can have a big positive impact on society. Through this guest lecture, the Unhas Agribusiness Study Program hopes to provide inspiration and useful knowledge for students, especially in developing their business skills. This guest lecture is also expected to encourage students to think globally, especially in facing future business challenges, and understand the importance of adaptive and sustainable business models through examples from various business models in the world. Akses Cepat UNHAS OFFICIAL NEOSIA UNHAS SIKOLA UNHAS PERPUSTAKAAN UNHAS JURNAL SOSIAL MEDIA Program Studi Agribisnis Gedung Fakultas Pertanian, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245 Lokasi


SOCIALIZATION OF THE NEW THESIS FORMAT TO AGRIBUSINESS STUDY PROGRAM, HASANUDDIN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS In order to adjust to the new format of final project writing issued by Hasanuddin University, the Agribusiness Study Program held a socialization of the new format of student final assignments for the Agribusiness Study Program. This socialization was presented by Ayu Anisa Amir, S.P., M.Si, a lecturer in the Undergraduate Agribusiness Study Program of Hasanuddin University, who explained in detail about the new format of student final project writing. The purpose of this format change is to improve the quality of writing and student research standards, so that the final project results not only meet academic requirements but also have a real contribution. Students who attended received step-by-step guidance on how to compile the final project in accordance with the new format that has been determined. In addition, students are also emphasized to always adhere to the rules and ethics in research which is very important to produce scientific work that can be accounted for and has high value. Through this socialization, the Undergraduate Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University hopes to encourage students to complete their final assignments better and professionally so that they can produce quality final assignments and be able to compete at the national and international levels. Akses Cepat UNHAS OFFICIAL NEOSIA UNHAS SIKOLA UNHAS PERPUSTAKAAN UNHAS JURNAL SOSIAL MEDIA Program Studi Agribisnis Gedung Fakultas Pertanian, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245 Lokasi


ENCOURAGING STUDENTS’ ENTHUSIASM IN PURSUING SCHOLARSHIPS, UNHAS AGRIBUSINESS STUDY PROGRAM HOLDS SOCIALIZATION The Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University held a scholarship socialization by introducing the registration flow and requirements of the MOE Elite Taiwan and LPDP scholarships to students. The activity took place in Lecture Theatre 6 on Thursday (18/01) and was attended by students of the Unhas Agribusiness Study Program. In this socialization, two speakers who were awardees of the MOE Elite Taiwan and LPDP scholarships shared valuable experiences and information. Siti Hardiyanti Syam, S.P., M.Si as an awardee of the LPDP DN scholarship in 2017 explained in detail about the registration process, the flow of new LPDP requirements in 2024, and tips and tricks for getting the scholarship. Achmad Amiruddin, S.P., M.Si, lecturer at Hasanuddin University’s Agribusiness Undergraduate Study Program and MOE Elite Taiwan Scholarship Awardee on the occasion as a speaker also added his views on why Indonesian students really need to do abroad either through student exchanges or continuing their studies. One of them is that students can broaden their horizons and expand their relationships where they will deal directly with cultural differences abroad. This activity not only aims to provide technical information about scholarships, but also aims to foster student interest in pursuing scholarships to continue their studies or exchange students. With this socialization, it is hoped that more students will be inspired and motivated to pursue higher education opportunities through scholarships. Akses Cepat UNHAS OFFICIAL NEOSIA UNHAS SIKOLA UNHAS PERPUSTAKAAN UNHAS JURNAL SOSIAL MEDIA Program Studi Agribisnis Gedung Fakultas Pertanian, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245 Lokasi


ASSOC. PROF. FROM UPM INTRODUCES THE CONCEPT OF FARM-TO-FORK & SUSTAINABILITY IN A PUBLIC LECTURE HELD BY THE UNHAS AGRIBUSINESS STUDY PROGRAM Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University held a public lecture with the topic “Farm-to-Fork Sustainability: Marketing Strategies and Supply Chain Innovations in Agribusiness” delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nitty Hirawaty from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). This event took place in Lecture Theatre 6 which was hosted directly by Mrs. Ni Made Viantika, S.P., M.Agb. as the moderator. In this public lecture, Nitty Hirawaty outlined the concept of Farm-to-Fork Sustainability as a comprehensive and integrated approach to building a more sustainable and ethical food supply chain system. “This approach not only changes the way food is produced and distributed, but also relies on effective marketing strategies to communicate these values, creating a more sustainable and resilient agribusiness ecosystem,” she said. She also added that the benefits of this approach include healthier food, environmental sustainability, improved local economy, support for local farmers, new pathways to clean diets, and wiser land use. The public lecture was attended by the Chairperson of the Agribusiness Study Program, Unhas, Prof. A. Nixia Tenriawaru; Professor of Agricultural Economics, Prof. Rahim Darma; Professor of Agricultural Communication and Extension, Prof. Muh. Hatta Jamil; as well as other lecturers and students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University. The enthusiasm of the participants can be seen from the various questions from both lecturers and students, showing their interest in the application of the Farm-to-Fork concept in agribusiness. This event is expected to provide new insights and encourage further collaboration between academics, practitioners, and students in developing sustainable agriculture and agribusiness in Indonesia Akses Cepat UNHAS OFFICIAL NEOSIA UNHAS SIKOLA UNHAS PERPUSTAKAAN UNHAS JURNAL SOSIAL MEDIA Program Studi Agribisnis Gedung Fakultas Pertanian, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245 Lokasi


UNHAS AGRIBUSINESS STUDY PROGRAM INVITES STUDENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE AGRICULTURAL POLICY INNOVATION SEMINAR The Agribusiness Study Program, Hasanuddin University held a student seminar in the context of an agricultural policy innovation writing competition. The event took place at Lecture Theater 6, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University. The seminar was attended by the Head of the Agribusiness Study Program, Prof. A. Nixia Tenriawaru, lecturers and students of Hasanuddin University, as well as the Chairman of AAI Sulselbar, Prof. Muh. Hatta Jamil who gave a welcoming speech and opened the activity. Remarks were also delivered by the President Director of BULOG as well as Professor of Agribusiness IPB and former Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Bayu Krisnamurthi through video playback. In his speech, Prof. Bayu delivered an inspiring message. “We need reliable thinkers and leaders in the future, and among those thinkers and leaders are today’s students. I am very happy and supportive of the discussion that will be held and hope that from this discussion brilliant breakthroughs will be born that can solve our problems.” The event involved presentations from five groups of Hasanuddin University students from various study programs. These groups were the best-written participants who had been assessed and had the opportunity to present their ideas at the seminar. At the end of the event, the five participants were awarded cash prizes, shirts, and a book written by Prof. Bayu Krisnamurthi. Akses Cepat UNHAS OFFICIAL NEOSIA UNHAS SIKOLA UNHAS PERPUSTAKAAN UNHAS JURNAL SOSIAL MEDIA Program Studi Agribisnis Gedung Fakultas Pertanian, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245 Lokasi


IMPROVING STUDENT’S KNOWLEDGE IN HORTICULTURAL FARMING, AGRIBUSINESS STUDY PROGRAM HELD A FIELD PRACTICUM​ Students of the Agribusiness Study Program at Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) have held a Field Practice of Farm Management Course in Tonasa Village, Gowa Regency. This activity is part of the study program curriculum to provide practical experience to students in agriculture and make a positive contribution to the community in the area. “This field practice is specifically for Unhas Agribusiness Study Program Students in Farm Management Subjects, which totals around 180 students. Field practice is held for two days and one night and will take data from farmers in Tonasa Village, especially on carrot and cabbage commodities, “explained the lecturer of the Unhas Agribusiness Management Course, Mrs. Dr. Saadah, M.Si. The arrival of the Unhas Agribusiness students was warmly welcomed by the Secretary of Tonasa Village. “In this village, the majority of the population are farmers, about 75%. So please for the students to collaborate with the farmers here. Alhamdulillah, on behalf of the government and the community, they are very enthusiastic to receive the students of Agribusiness Unhas.” Akses Cepat UNHAS OFFICIAL NEOSIA UNHAS SIKOLA UNHAS PERPUSTAKAAN UNHAS JURNAL SOSIAL MEDIA Program Studi Agribisnis Gedung Fakultas Pertanian, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245 Lokasi